Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Problems in Haiti

Full name: Republic of Haiti
Population: 10 million (UN, 2009)
Capital: Port-au-Prince
Area: 27,750 sq km (10,714 sq miles)
Major languages: Creole, French
Major religion: Christianity
Life expectancy: 59 years (men), 63 years (women) (UN)

The president of Haiti is taking actions for the Agenda for children, in order to solve the problems of Children living in poor eviroment.A lot of Haitian children hang around the streets, begging for food and water. Obviously, they don't get any education, they are afraid of hunger. They want to be fed, pretected and educated. However, their parents can not afford them for an education. Even worse,parents who can't feed their children, they sell their children to other wealthy people and hoping that their children will be sent somewhere better, and receive an education.

Health is another big problem in Haiti. A lot of people who are sick, can't go to hospitals for medical care. Because the hospitals are expensive, and the supplies are lacking. Child mortality in Haiti is rising at about 19%, when the Haiti’s birth rate is 2%. Also, there's not much clean water, therefore, they are suffering from drinking water shortage and they use contaminated water which causes disease.

Country Profile

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