Tuesday, May 25, 2010

After the Earthquake in Haiti

Since 2006, Haiti begun to improve little by little. Because of the earthquake, Port Au Prince and Preval's agenda are collapsed. Countless people died in the ensuing chaos. several aid agencies and US armed forces have came to help Haiti to rebuild the buildings. A agency called Health Partners have employed 4000 Haitians and gave them moderate amount of payment. They have created schools, and has made a hospital to help people who have aids. However, aid distribution hasn't helped Haiti efficiently. A 15 year boy was dead by dipthermia, a disease which can be easily preventable and cured, he died because of the aids. Another afair that issues in Haiti is that men and women who have went to the city and looking for jobs, are coming back to the countryside. Decades ago, before things became a disaster, Haiti managed to harvest enough rice to feed everyone. By this earthquake Haiti have learned that a lot of people sacrificed themselves for people who need the government's help to survive and they taught the government that the government should be working hard and trying to help for the poor citizens.

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