Tuesday, May 25, 2010

After the Earthquake in Haiti

Since 2006, Haiti begun to improve little by little. Because of the earthquake, Port Au Prince and Preval's agenda are collapsed. Countless people died in the ensuing chaos. several aid agencies and US armed forces have came to help Haiti to rebuild the buildings. A agency called Health Partners have employed 4000 Haitians and gave them moderate amount of payment. They have created schools, and has made a hospital to help people who have aids. However, aid distribution hasn't helped Haiti efficiently. A 15 year boy was dead by dipthermia, a disease which can be easily preventable and cured, he died because of the aids. Another afair that issues in Haiti is that men and women who have went to the city and looking for jobs, are coming back to the countryside. Decades ago, before things became a disaster, Haiti managed to harvest enough rice to feed everyone. By this earthquake Haiti have learned that a lot of people sacrificed themselves for people who need the government's help to survive and they taught the government that the government should be working hard and trying to help for the poor citizens.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Problems in Haiti

Full name: Republic of Haiti
Population: 10 million (UN, 2009)
Capital: Port-au-Prince
Area: 27,750 sq km (10,714 sq miles)
Major languages: Creole, French
Major religion: Christianity
Life expectancy: 59 years (men), 63 years (women) (UN)

The president of Haiti is taking actions for the Agenda for children, in order to solve the problems of Children living in poor eviroment.A lot of Haitian children hang around the streets, begging for food and water. Obviously, they don't get any education, they are afraid of hunger. They want to be fed, pretected and educated. However, their parents can not afford them for an education. Even worse,parents who can't feed their children, they sell their children to other wealthy people and hoping that their children will be sent somewhere better, and receive an education.

Health is another big problem in Haiti. A lot of people who are sick, can't go to hospitals for medical care. Because the hospitals are expensive, and the supplies are lacking. Child mortality in Haiti is rising at about 19%, when the Haiti’s birth rate is 2%. Also, there's not much clean water, therefore, they are suffering from drinking water shortage and they use contaminated water which causes disease.

Country Profile

The 2010 TIME 100 Poll

Johanna Sigurdardottir
After Iceland's economy collapsed in October 2008, Sigurdardottir rode a wave of discontent all the way to the premiership. A former flight attendant and the world's first openly gay head of state, she must rebuild the nation's economy while boosting confidence abroad. She is trying to pay debts on Netherlands and England for Iceland.

Kim Yu-Na
A Korean Figure skater, she has won many hearts of Koreans as she gained several medals for her nation. She managed waver Koreans away from the golf channel.

Oprah Winfrey
The legendary talk-show woman, who has continued the Oprah Winfrey show for 24 years, has given so much inspiration for women world-wide.

James Cameron
He is the director of several famous movies such as The Terminator 1-2, Alien, and Titanic. The most recent movie he created is the Avatar, which has turned the movie industry upside down.

Hillary Clinton
Hilary Clinton is a key member of America’s top diplomat. She has overseen made outreach to Iran, Nuclear talks with Russia, and several is defending human rights.

Barack Obama
President Obama’s first year of presidency was rather difficult, as he struggled with two wars, right a listing economy, and enacts ambitious agendas. After winning a battle over health care, he became the first president in 40 years to enact a historic piece of social welfare legislation. He now faces the fight over financial re-regulation

Seth MacFarlane
He is the creator of Family guy, and American dad. He is the cartoon king, and has a large influence in the media.

Muammar Gaddafi
Since 2001, he has sought to improve his relations with the West by aiding the fight against al-Qaeda and ending a program of weapons of mass destruction.

Lindsey Vonn
Vonn became the first American Woman to win a gold medal in the downhill ski race, despite major shin injuries. She clinched her third straight world cup title.
She clinched her third straight world cup title. She is the second woman to accomplish this.

Han Han

A Chinese race-car driver and author, he made debates about the problems of Chinese education, including the problems with the strictness and rigidness of Chinese education. In his blog, he pokes fun at incompetent politicians.

The 2010 TIME Influential People

Monday, April 12, 2010

Shower of Aid Brings Flood of Progress

SAURI and Kenya have been improving. Agricultural yields have doubled by changing their attitude. Now Sauri has more than 80millennium villages. Sachs focused on technology-based and training to lift people out of poverty. They employ technology against diseases such as health worker sent a text message with the blood results to computer. However, Mr. Sachs has a question that this progress can develop scalable. Also, poverty and terrorism are big problems in the countries such as, Al Qaeda. The worst thing is that government doesn’t help them.

NY Times article

Millenium Developement Villages

Monday, March 29, 2010


people around the world get infected with HIV FAIDS everyday.
people around the world die from extreme poverty everyday.
20million people around the world go to bed hungry everyday.
20billion people around the world live on less than a day.

Problems from poverty such as dieing of hunger are people are dieing of diseases that can be healed if they take medical care are the everlasting issues. Mostly, Africa is the biggest target of poverty. Basically, poverty is having not enough economic resources to afford life needs such as education, food, shelter and medication and live in comfort. Poverty doesn't end even the world is developing. However, there are solutions to workout such as the poor countries' governments say proper reasons and borrow loans from World bank.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010