Monday, March 29, 2010


people around the world get infected with HIV FAIDS everyday.
people around the world die from extreme poverty everyday.
20million people around the world go to bed hungry everyday.
20billion people around the world live on less than a day.

Problems from poverty such as dieing of hunger are people are dieing of diseases that can be healed if they take medical care are the everlasting issues. Mostly, Africa is the biggest target of poverty. Basically, poverty is having not enough economic resources to afford life needs such as education, food, shelter and medication and live in comfort. Poverty doesn't end even the world is developing. However, there are solutions to workout such as the poor countries' governments say proper reasons and borrow loans from World bank.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

child rights

Global Issues

I think this picture is appropriate for global issues because, it says "Stand Up Speak Out Against Poverty and For the Millennium Development Goals". That means we have to stand up and speak out for our selves as individuals and as global citizens. It kind of shows the meaning of human rights. Also we have to know what problems are present on Earth. I think these are very important for our global issues classes. In adittions, we have to know human rights clearly so we can work twards together for our millenium problems.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


"The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government." _Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson was elected the third President of the United States, serving two terms in this highest office in the land.

The reason why I chose this quote is because this quote shows the definition of good government and how the government has to take care about human rights in order to be the "good" government. Moreover, good goverment is very important. To make all people have human rights, the goverment has to support them.